

So I struggle with depression obviously.

But it’s been worse since I had my son. He’s almost two now so it’s not postpartum.

But my man just doesn’t help it.

For months he’s been pushing me away.

And I feel like he’s doing it intentionally

I get he’s got to work but he works from 6am til almost 1030 every night but is getting used. I’m home with the baby all day everyday alone. I’m beginning to get lonely. He comes home and barely speaks to me cause he’s to busy on his phone. I’m getting to the point where I don’t want to be with him. I’m so tired of giving my all and he doesn’t put in half of what I do.

When I try to talk to him nd tell him what’s going on he straight up ignores me and continues to play on his phone. I feel unimportant. My depression is bad because of it. I just want to lay in bed all day and sleep but I can’t do that with the baby. I’m at lost anymore. I just want to feel like I matter I want to feel like I have meaning. With everything going on I feel like I’d be better off dead. I’m so tired of struggling with my diabetes and depression. I just want to feel happy and glad. Everyday I wake up and I instantly am down and wish I was asleep. I just don’t know what to do anymore..

I just want to give up.