What's wrong with me. Frequent urination

I am completed stressed. I have been dealing with this since late January. At that time, I was waking up throught the night. Then I began getting worse and worse... affecting me early mornings. Up until now, I am going through this. I have been to the e.r. 4 times and they offer me no help. Tell me to see a urologist. I did see 1, after waiting 2 months. He took a 1/2 min cystoscopy, took the tool out and said ok small bladder infection and send me off. Always telling me my insurance is this and that and that's why I cant get urgent help from him, stating I need to wait for the procedure needing to be approved(Gov issued)

Now I am with a new urologist. I just seen this doctor this Tuesday and she is saying that it's normal, it happens, do kegal excercises to "train" myself. Basically I can train my mind to stop needing to urinate. She has, however agreed to take another look into my bladder the next time I see her(next month)... but told me to write a diary so she can see exactly what I have been describing.... well here is my diary. Starting from yesterday, October 16th at 557am up until now October 17, 830pm