Patiently: Impatiently Waiting!

Harley • 🖤 Mama to Leo 6/7/16 👶🏼 Miscarriage 8/7/18 👼🏼 Our rainbow 🌈 👶🏼 Nikolai 10/21/19 🎃

I’m 39w4d. Due the 20th! I’m so ready. My fiancé it so ready! Our house is ready! There is nothing left to work on or get done. So I’ve literally been bored all day! I have a 3 year old. We spent all day playing, doing puzzles, and spending alone time together! I know this baby will come when he’s ready. And I want him to come naturally. I’m just tired of waiting. 🤣

I have been having some signs that labor is near but just so anxious for it to start. Like will my water break? Or will I start to have contractions? I hate guessing... 🤣

At the same time, I’m in no rush. Even though I’m so uncomfortable! I know he is safe in there! It’s a weird mix of emotions.

Anyone else waiting?

If you had your baby already, did you have any signs before it started? if so, what were they?

I’m just curious! I would Love to read your stories while I wait! 🤣

My 3 year old cuddled up with my belly. We both took a nice nap today.