My baby girl is here Mia Loren!


Birth story

I had my membrane stripped at 39 weeks and 3 days. I was 3cm dilated 75% effaced! The rest of that day i had cramping and on and off contractions. Thursday morning i woke up and felt a little more “off” than usual. I felt like i started my period. No appetite, nausea, and hard to use the bathroom. Around 8:45 am i had my “bloody show” and that’s when i had the feeling that she would be coming today or tomorrow. I bounced, drank tea, ate pineapples and walked which made me lose more of my plug. My husband came home around 2pm and in the time i napped for a little and then we went to the mall to walk. While walking i had inconsistent contractions like 3 every 15 minutes and then they would stop for 30 minutes. We got home and i showered, drank tea and bounced and eventually my contractions got stronger and went from 15 minutes to 6 minutes to 2 minutes apart. We got to the hospital around 10:45pm and i was dilated to a 4! TheY ADMITTED ME! my contractions were painful but the feeling of having to poop and not being able to was way worse. Friday 2:30am ish. I wanted to sleep so i got an epidural but shortly after my parents called and said they got in a bad accident and the car was totaled, so i barely slept. It kicked in quickly. I felt good but definitely DO NOT like the feeling of not being able to move my body because of the numbness. 4:30am rolls around and i am dilated to a 5 so they break my water! At 6:55 am Mia Loren was born! Weighing 7lb 1 Oz and 20 inches long! I pushed for 20 minutes and my hubby was able to catch the baby!