Thought I was 7 weeks but was really 5


I just want to tell what my last week was like and give you’s hope 😊

I was tracking my ovulation and my lmp was at the end of August. The first time I had my hcg checked it was 46 and my dr seemed a bit concerned because we thought I was further so I had it checked a week later and had gone to 688.

So I went to my dating ultrasound thinking I was around 7 weeks only to be told there was gest sac and a yolk sac and I was only measuring 5 weeks and 1 day, so I was very worried I just didn’t understand how it could be and I was thinking the worst and so was my dr telling me he’s sorry etc and he wanted to do another hcg which came back at 13,800 so I went to an ultrasound 6 days after the first and told the ultrasound tech what had happened and he looked a bit concerned.. after a bit he tells me I was measuring 5 weeks and 6 days and he could see a heartbeat 😊

I’m still so confused about how I’m earlier than I should be but I’m so happy everything worked out!