Am I wrong

So my ex husband aunt has been the only family there for my kids and i she comes to anything the kids have buys them things and checks on them all the time. Basically she does what dad doesn't do. We have always had a amazing relationship. She would tell people I'm her niece before even claiming their dad (her actual nephew). My current husband got upset because I am helping her with her son's baby shower she is throwing for him and his wife. Mind you she has never been disrespectful towards him or crossed any boundaries. She was so excited when she found out my kids call him dad and when we got married. She even is excited about our new little one coming in a few months. Everytime she sees my husband she gives him a big hug. But for some reason anytime I mention her he gets upset. He feels I shouldn't have a relationship with her because she is my ex aunt. She even told my ex he was not welcomed at the shower because I was invited first and he doesn't even really talk to her son. I guess what I wanna know is am I wrong for continuing a relationship with her even tho my husband doesn't like it. I told him I dont feel like I should have to close her out of my life. She has done nothing to try and come between us nor does she even mention my ex at all. It's like he doesn't even exsist. I'm just lost on what to do.