His dad doesn’t want him dating me


My boyfriend is Christian and goes to church. And let’s say his church is ridiculously strict. The church he goes too has these rules.

-cannot date someone who’s not from that specific church

-cannot dye hair

-cannot have tattoos

-cannot have piercings

-cannot have sex till marriage (kinda common)

Also the church he goes to is against gay people and my own brother is gay so it kinda hurts personally.

But my boyfriend accepts everyone for who they are, which makes me happy. I don’t go to church and I’m not extremely religious. I’m very spiritual though and my boyfriend doesn’t mind. I mean we had sex like 100 times already so what’s the point. But I have supported him going to this church for a while and I have never told him not to go out of respect. He hadn’t told his dad for the longest time that we were together because he was afraid his dad would be mad.

Long story short, he told his dad and his dad keeps telling him that he shouldn’t be dating me because I don’t go to that specific church😞

By the way we’re both 19 years old.