Grey Area HCG

Caitlyn • Seven angel babies 👼 Two Miracles and #3 on the way! 💙💙💛

So long story short I have antiphospholipid syndrome so in order not to miscarry I have to start on blood thinners when I find out. So I don’t mess around, when I see any sort of second colored line come across a test I call my OB to order my quantitative hcg draw. If it’s positive and then climbs at that second draw they tell me to go ahead and start on blood thinners.

I got these positive tests today but my hcg draw was 8 which is in the grey area. So we’ll know come the draw in 48hrs.

But I was just wondering if you’ve ever had an hcg level in the grey for your first draw how did things turn out for you? Pregnant? Not pregnant? Chemical pregnancy?