Oh my gosh I forgot how much bfing can hurt


Well, a year and a half ago I decided I wanted another child. Evidently I haven’t learned anything from the 11 year old crotch goblin I already have running around. (To those that are a little on the sensitive side I mean that in the most loving manner possible and yes I just called my pre-teen child a crotch goblin). Well fast forward past pregnancy and birth which both sucked btw to present day. I’m now mother to thee most darling little boy. No seriously if this baby of mine could be any happier we be having some Disney type shit going down in this joint. So anyways to the part about breastfeeding. This DS of mine has a new trick up his sleeve while he’s eating he will stretch my nipple back until it pops out of his cute little mouth, rear his head back (he looks like a trex...seriously), babble loudly, and does what can only be explained as a flying headbutt latch onto my boob. That’s not even the worst part sometimes he misses and latches onto whatever he can grab. Oh my gosh talk about pissing ones pants it hurts like all get out! He’s so tiny about all I can do is cover my poor abused boob and try to convince my little trex that cuddles are better than bobbin for boob!!!