I ALMOST cried at my ultrasound today...

BonQuiQui • I’m blunt with my words, I don’t like animals get over it☺️

I’m 35.2 weeks and have not gotten a good face picture of him; (I’m high risk so I have gotten an ultrasound done every week) so the suspense of what he will look like has been killing me!. I have 2 other kids 6 (on Sunday) and 3.5 which I got good pictures of them so I kinda had an idea and they came out looking like the ultrasound and each other.

Today I had a really nice tech that took her time and tried multiple times to get a good picture and she was able to at least get a partial of him and it made me start to tear up😩 I don’t like to cry in front of people so I held it in.

When I showed everyone else in my family they say they can’t tell and it frustrates me cause I just want them to see like I can lol.

^^^^ him grabbing his foot!

Also funny story he had the tech and I giggling...

While she was scanning he was being a butt he would grab his foot, pull it by his head and let go kicking me. Watching him on the ultrasound do that and feeling him at the same time was really cool and funny!