Does this annoy anyone else?

I don’t know why but I get so annoyed when people try to cover me up or when people tell me to cover up more when I’m feeding my son

Today I was told I should cover up more because they “didn’t want to have to deal with someone saying anything”

Yes we were out to eat and I didn’t use a cover up but I was pretty covered

My sweater covered most of my boob while my maternity pants pretty much go all the way up my stomach. I asked what they could see of me being exposed for me to cover and they said nothing but it was obvious that I was feeding him and acted like I was doing something wrong or scandalous. Like looking around like i was stealing and they wanted to make sure no one noticed.

And before that when we went to a car shop and I went to feed my son like I normally would’ve and they told me to wait a second and then asked the people who worked at the shop if they minded that I was feeding my son.

They said they didn’t care and that it was natural and they are happy that I’m able to breast feed

But I kept telling this person that things like this are only a big deal if you make them one And that no one cares

They are older

But like was breast feeding in public like scandalous or something like 20 so years ago?

My friends dad won’t even be in the same room as me if I’m feeding my son even if I have a cover on

I just couldn’t imagine how hard it would be to feed a baby if you had to make sure no men were around or that no one could see what was going on