After sex question! Need understanding asap

I haven’t had sexual Inter course in over a year. I only had 2 partners

# 1 I was young #2 I was in a bad abusive relationship with a year ago.

So I had recently Linked up with my #1 and we had don’t it in the past however it wasn’t completely experienced. Due to his size and my unable to handle it ....

We were like 14&15

So we not to long ago

Did it again and I was so unable to keep up but

My question is ....

Am I suppose to be feeling like I’ve been ripped open and like a open wound in down there ?

because it’s like a hot feeling and I saw I had a very light pink bleeding spotting...

I will be going to the gyn to get tested all my tests been great I have nothing but this is uncomfortable and kinda scared ....

I’m 21 by the way( not that important but just Incase )