I need some advice.

So I had my baby girl back in March and since then my husband hasn't truly helped me. I always wake up with her, I also change all of the diapers. I exclusively pump and give her the bottle, this was so that he could help me feed her, but he doesn't even do that. She is very attached to me since I am with her 24/7. I feel like she doesn't get to spend enough time with him. I don't know would you ask him for help or am I just being petty. He works from 6-7 so he barely gets to spend time with us. I feel like such a bad mom even writing this but I am just curious what it's like for you. He pretty much thinks that since he works and provides that everything else is my job. Dishes, laundry, cleaning, taking care of our animals, and pretty much everything else you could think of. Don't get me wrong I couldn't be more happier with my little baby but sometimes I would just love to take a hot bath and relax. I literally have no time. He comes home from work, showers, and goes straight to bed. We never get to have intimate time either because he's usually asleep by 9 and LO doesn't go to sleep the second time until 10-11. It's just been very hard lately idk if I'm just tired or if I'm just being a baby. I literally broke down in tears last night and he ask me if I was on my period💔 I'm seriously at a loss of words and I can feel myself closing up. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.