Not hungry

What do you mamas do on the days your aren’t hungry? Currently 30+4 and not hungry at all today. I’ve had a small breakfast shake (protein powder, peanut butter, milk, spinach) and a small bowl of cereal. Even getting that in was a bit rough. I suppose it didn’t help that I weighed myself and now I’m a bit depressed about the weight gain (30+ pounds this pregnancy). I know I’ll lose a lot after baby is born, but I was already really self conscious about my weight before pregnancy.

I’ve had a good amount of water today- even if it isn’t as much as usual for the time of day- and I don’t know what to do anymore. I feel like a terrible mom because I don’t want baby losing anything/not getting enough, but I don’t know how to go about making myself eat when I literally have no desire for it.

Please no hate about taking care of my baby. I already feel bad enough 😞