Do you panic about being able to afford your child/children?

My husband and I have been TTC for quite a while now and have to go to a clinic.

But I'm having panics about affordability of a child.

We aren't poor, we're kind of middle class. My husband's income is commission based so some months are difficult, but some months are good. We have a three bedroom house (his mothers) in a good area. We do often have a bit leftover at the end of the month of our salaries.

But I stress about the costs of school fees and that. Even creches/ daycares/ preschools are damn expensive- roughly a third of my salary. Primary school is about half my salary a month and high school would be a little less than my salary.

I know it's a long long way away but I mean you have to plan long term.

At the moment, we have enough in our savings to cover the first year of daycare and that's pretty much it.

We don't really have low cost daycares and such available for us. We could go half day because I work from home, and we can push sending the child to school until he/ she's like two years old.

I mean at that stage I do also hope to be earning more than I am now, and also have paid up most of our credit card debt. That's costing us just under 2000 bucks a month.

Is it stupid to TTC in this situation? Should we just put more money aside a month? What do we do? I don't want my child to be at a disadvantage.

I know there are people who earn less that manage. Should we move to a cheaper area, am I stupid to panic over something that's not even happening yet?