“Your ruining your body”


To all the people who say pregnancy ruins your body...

Pregnant does not ruin your body, yes there are changes but this is not your body being ruined!

To the women with stretch marks... who cares! You have been kissed by lightening, you have proved you are strong and beautiful through creating life. Wear tour tiger stripes with pride for you are a beautiful, strong and fearless women.

To the women whose skin never fully bounced back... you carried a precious life inside of you and have a beautiful bundle of joy you are giving to the world. You have created and carried a miracle and your skin is as beautiful as ever don’t let people’s comments hold you back.

People everywhere need to see that pregnancy is a wonderful and scary thing. You are creating life. Your own tiny miracle.

You are beautiful before pregnancy. During pregnancy and sure as hell after pregnancy. Don’t let assholes bring you down. You are gorgeous, powerful goddesses let it show🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

(Sorry for the long post ranting a little)