When people ask before you are ready to tell


When my husband and were ttc for a the past year we shared our experience with close friends (Tom and Linda) how we hadn’t been successful. I felt really silly for sharing the news and wished I hadn’t. We finally are pregnant and are very excited. We decided we wanted to wait to tell everyone at 12 weeks. I’m about 9 weeks now and had Tom and Linda’s sons 1st birthday party. I did not drink, but told them I was the DD. When we were leaving Tom pulled my husband aside and said “it’s obvious your wife is pregnant she didn’t drink, she doesn’t want to be around booze. Just tell me its true.” My husband said no. Then we left.

I think what’s hard for me is we knew telling them probably wouldn’t be a surprise one day. I wanted to be the one to tell them and initiate the conversation. Has anyone else experienced people asking/or telling you or your significant other they know you are pregnant? For me it hurt my feelings a little. Only because it’s our good news to share on our time. I know our friend meant it from a good place. He’s just as excited and wants us to be parents too.