We haven’t talked since Tuesday , idk how to feel ?!

We broke up in July & we made the mistake of trying fwb for a month. It didn’t work either. Now that we’re friends everything changed & then on Saturday we got into an argument... well I tried to be the bigger person & apologize and this time ... he didn’t really react. Saying he needed space blah blah.

Now he was on a trip so I thought he wanted time for himself. But he’s back & I know he is. He hasn’t watched my stories he hasn’t texted me & I know he’s been active on social media just ignoring my shit.

So I blocked him from my stories on Instagram & Snapchat.

If he really wanted to text me he would, it takes two seconds to create a text. He wished me happy birthday but that was it. I know we’re exes but I didn’t think we would stop talking like this... I’m happy I don’t feel as bad as I thought I would but this sorta sucks. I thought he would message me..

Exes I guess should stay exes and we shouldn’t talk... but still