RHR dropped CD15. Usually doesn’t drop until right before period starts(26 day cycle).. could this mean something?

Anyone notice any trends with their Fitbit resting heart rate and their cycle?

Mine usually goes down closer to when my period comes but I’m only on CD15, it can’t be coming already?

It’s been going up slightly since my last period ended, then suddenly dropped today..I haven’t been <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a> this month so I don’t know when it happened exactly but I read some stuff online that there’s apparently a correlation between bbt and RHR so maybe it’s implantation related?

Did this happen to anyone else leading to a bfp?

Does this happen to anyone else on the regular(not pregnant)?

Curious to see if it will go back up tomorrow!