Overproducing left breast

Gina • 36 years old 🌴 Caribbean gal 👶🏽 Mama to Rafa

(Posted this also on the breastfeeding group)

I’m currently on week 4 PP and my left breast has been overproducing milk. I read that the more you pump the more you produce so now I pomp only 2 times per day and hand express in the shower or with the haakaa. I still overproduce. I started stocking on my freezer already and have no space. My son is breastfed almost exclusively, with a bottle here and there if daddy wants to feed at night. I can see him choke at time because the flow is so fast on that breast. I’m literally pissing milk. I soak through thick cotton pads almost instantly. Any tip to help an always engorged mommy? I’m going nuts