What should I do!?


So my son is new to daycare (he goes 2 days a week, 5-8 hours each day) the other day when I went to pick him up I walked in and my son let out a blood curdling scream. I was frantically looking for him when suddenly I see him and one of the teachers has his arm and is walking him to the sink. I asked what happened, and she says “he got bit” I said “excuse me!? He was bitten!?” She washed his hand and I looked at it and it looked like his hand was chewed on by a dog.

When we got home I took pictures but he’s going back on Monday (tomorrow) and idk if I should talk to the Director and show her the pictures or what.....

I’m pissed AF!

Oh and to add, this child (the one that bit my son) has pushed my son, and tried to take toys from his as well. When he pushed him I didn’t think much of it seeing as how they’re 2 and kids will be kids but enough is enough right!?