Totally confused/gutted UPDATE AT BOTTOM

Hi everyone

If anyone can relate please can I have some advice?

Long story short been ttc for 10 month, I’m 32 in 2 weeks I already have an 11yo but partner has no children.

Cycle of 24/25 days ovulate around cd14 (has been cd18 for 8 month) I start spotting cd22 then full flow 24/25.

This month opk cd13 now cd19 and every time I wipe I have blood. Been in the bath and got this

I don’t know if my cycle is long enough anyway and now this cycle is super short if it is af (which I think it is).

No point going to gp as she’s already told me I have to be trying for 2 years before she will help me.

Partner been checked he’s all good.

UPDATE. So if I am still spotting every day should I just log this as my period? Been 3/4 days of blood when I wipe now but not enough for pad or liner
