He’s Here!

Sharon • Wife, mama: 👦🏻👼🏻🧒🏼👶🏻, teacher


Contractions started at 2:30 am - they were sharp and intense. My poor husband was bouncing back and forth between checking on me and our 2.5 year old who was coughing uncontrollably from a sinus infection. At 4am we got the call to head into the hospital. I’m “screaming” in pain at this point.

Get to the ER for check-in by 4:30 (had to wait for grandma to come over). My contractions are so intense with all the bottom pressure. ER admits me by they’re worried I’m going to start pushing. Turns out I was only 3 cm dilated 🤦🏻‍♀️ They send me upstairs to L&D, in the meantime, I’m telling the nurses that I want all of drugs and I want them right now! They get me into my room. Another hour has gone by - no drugs. I’m literally screaming from the pain and now my husband and I are both getting an attitude w the nurse who isn’t listening to us.

Anesthesiologist comes in - he tells the nurse that he should’ve been called 2 hours ago when I came in (thank you, my hero)! Shift change and mean nurse leaves. Gets the epidural in - only works on the right side. Gah! After an hour of messing with it, adding another drug, and another anesthesiologist, they decide that they should replace it/insert it again and I have to sit completely still through all of it. Ooooookay. It works - I was crying bc I was so thankful for both of these men.

Progressing quickly, OB broke my water at 12ish and turns out I’m 9cm. They let us nap for a while. I started pushing at 1:55pm and at 4:09pm, our beautiful Callen Richard arrived. 8lbs, 6oz, 21in of pure perfection.

He’s latching like a champ and is already sleeping through the energetic ball of fun and noise that his big brother brings.

Thanks for reading my short and choppy version.

Congratulations, October 2019 mommies, and if you haven’t met your little one yet, hang in there!!