Please HELP😭


Okay so my son has just turned 1 and he screams nonstop all day and all night literally. He won’t take a nap, won’t go to bed, throws tantrums which includes (throwing toys, throwing food, throwing his bedding out of his pack n play, etc). I’ve tried just about everything to get him to stop and calm down but it’s been a month and it’s still the same. Im also 4 months pregnant and fiancé has to work 9-12hr shift Monday-Friday so we’re getting little to no rest cause he’s up every hour or two screaming and crying. He didn’t start acting like this until we left my moms (we just recently moved into a 4 bedroom apartment), and her and my siblings would pick him up all day and night so he’s used to it and it seems like nothing is working. I’m so stressed out to the point where I’ll lock myself in the bathroom for 5-10 minutes and burst into tears. He isn’t sick, no lactose issues, not constipated, etc. He’s just out of control🥺 please any advice helps!!