He finally got a job

I’ve been seeing this guy for about 5 months. He’s really a great guy and we really click but after awhile of knowing him, he lost his job as a chef for not learning quick enough. Nearly four months later, he finally has gotten a job due to his sisters boyfriend being a hiring manager and deciding to hire him in his sushi restaurant 😩 I’m happy for him but mainly and selfishly I’m just kinda happy I won’t have to basically pay for his gas whenever I wanted to see him because I don’t drive yet due to not having a car right now as I’m still a teen and had to sell my first (lemon) car to replace my mothers that was in a crash. I’ll be able to not worry as much about him because he’ll be able to afford his cost of living. He would get really depressed that he couldn’t get a job and it was ruining his self worth. He’s closer to 30 than 20 after all and hasn’t been able to build up a career. Which a lot of people don’t and that’s fine. But yeah, I don’t know if I should feel bad that although yes I’m happy that it’ll make his life easier, im also mainly happy I won’t have to pay for him every single time we wanted to see each other. I’ve probably spent roughly 500$ on him or more throughout these months. Before he lost his job I didn’t mind picking up the bill but it’s typically better when it’s not 100% of the time..

Edit: I’m 18