Prayers (Update)


Update: got my blood work back and my HCG went from 6k to 12k in 48 hrs!!! I'm so happy to know my bean is gonna hang out in there for a while, but still spotting and very paranoid.

This is my 3rd pregnancy. I'm 6 weeks 2 days. It's the longest I've ever lasted while pregnant. This time we were so excited; home tests were super positive, unlike the last two times. We told family who were so very excited too. My mom bought us mommy and daddy to be shirts and a baby blanket.

Yesterday I started bleeding. I left work and went straight to the ER. Bleeding is normal is some pregnancies but I was taking no chances. They did all their tests. Cervix was still closed, they could see a gestational sack and yolk sack but no fetal pole. Maybe its still too early.

I've been sent home with no comforting news. Bed rest for two days and then have my HCG levels rechecked (they were 6,363). The bleeding hasn't gotten worse yet but it also hasn't stopped.

I figured there's no way I would miscarry this time. Three times in a row? And such positive tests this time? My hopes are gone that I'll ever have a healthy baby.

Please pray that I get through this.