Step daughter

My step daughter lives me me and her dad almost full time and I’ve been involved in her life since she was one and a half and recently we took her out of daycare because I quite my job and she could be home with me. Lately her and I have been having a lot of issues with her not listening to anything that I say and Saturday I was going to take her to my friends house to play with her daughter and I asked her nicely to stop doing something and I asked her ( she was fine all morning with me and then as soon as we were away from her dad this is when she started) why she was only like this with me and she said that it was because she doesn’t like me. It really hurt hearing this. I’ve have and am more of a mother to her than her own mother so having her say that to me really upset me. I don’t know what to do. I am so upset and hurt that I don’t even want to be in the same room as her. I feel really bad for feeling like that because she’s three but I’m really upset by it. Had any other step parents dealt with this? If so. What did you do to help the situation?