Migraines, NST, less movement


I am 29+3 and have had a constant headache. It was bad Thursday and terrible Friday. I work nights at a hospital and I see a doctor at a different hospital. Friday I called my doctor and he sent me hydrocodone and said if the first one didn't help then take the second one and if it didn't knock it out and not come back then to ome in. Well I can't call in to work, it's not an option. I take the first hydro and he calls and says "your bp was slightly elevated at your last appointment, can you take it and let me know what it is?" So I took it, 142/88 so borderline high. I call back and he basically says monitor it and let him know if the headache persists. I live smack dab in the middle of two hospitals, each are 40 minutes away in opposite directions. So I go to work and it persists and strong. But i just work through it. Because of my headache, i woke up 4 am Friday morning and didn't sleep all day. No nap. I went to work 6 PM and got off 6 am. Office opened at 8:30 and I was due to call if the headache was still there. I hadn't sleep in 28 hours by 820 and I passed out and dropped my phone and didn't wake up until 230 PM. Office was closed because its Saturday. So I take tylenol, drink water, try to eat but I had been nauseous/no appetite the entire time. On the way to work I call the ob nurse at the hospital I don't work at that I do my care at and she transfers me to on call doc. At 540 he tells me lay down, drink water, if I still have a headache after 2 hours come to the hospital to get checked. I worked that night, Saturday, so I can't. I go to work. Got off Sunday morning and head felt better until I went to bed at 8 am and didn't bother me until I woke up at 130 PM. Went to work. Felt little guy are 230 PM. At 930 or 10 at night at work I got worried because I hadn't felt him much. I walked up to OB and had a nurse just look for his heartbeat on the doppler quick. She found it after a bit but didn't monitor It long, for anything besides that I would need to check in. She said i should call my doc in the am. My friend said call my doc in the am. My mom said call my doc in the am. I got home this morning and fell asleep at 730 am. At 200 am while I work I got nice strong movements. I haven't gotten much since but I was asleep until 1130. I plan on calling my doc soon since I don't work tonight and if he says to come in I actually can, I'm just waiting for him to get back from lunch before I call his office. I still have reduced movement, although I've felt some, but they aren't good strong kicks or anything. And my headache is back full force right now. What I'm wondering is, have any of you had an nst? Is that what I should expect when I visit? What is it like and is it done in hospital or clinic? I am also concerned because even with a BP that has been lingering on the just high enough to pay attention end, I haven't had my urine checked for protein since week 20 appointment and everyone I have spoken to says it should be checked every appointment especially in 3rd trimester. Should I explicitly ask for a urine protein check and an nst? Thank you. Sorry this is long