He finally arrived! đź’™


Late posting! Matthew Francis was finally born a day short of a week overdue on Oct 7th at 2:43am. I had contractions off and on throughout the day on the Sunday (6th) but no pattern and about 10 mins apart most of the day. All of a sudden at 10:30pm after I decided I might as well lay down and try to get some sleep incase labour really started in the middle of the night or the next day, I laid down and contractions were 2 mins apart. I came back downstairs in tears, they were so painful all of a sudden! My husband called my mom who raced over to stay with our daughter. We were at the hospital for 11pm and he was out after about 45mins of pushing at 2:43am.

He weighed 8lbs 12ozs at birth! 2lbs and 2ozs larger than his big sister at birth and omg did that ever make such a difference for labour!! I decided no epidural again but had I known how painful his delivery would be, I would have got one! Luckily no tearing but the pressure and pain were very intense!

He's my 2nd rainbow baby after a ruptured ectopic pregnancy last year. I had a miscarriage before my daughter. He's my last baby and although delivery was a 10/10 for pain, completely worth it! đź’™