I feel useless

Tessa • SAHM to a blind disabled toddler 😘👧🏼🧑🏼🧔🏻🐈🐈🐕

I feel lost right now. I can’t seem to get or keep my apartment clean, I’m tired all the time. I’m 13 weeks pregnant and I have a four year old “forever child” that my life revolves around. I work third shift and my husband doesn’t seem to understand what’s happening to me or why and frankly neither do I. I tell him I need help and he just gets mad at me and tells me I need to get my shit together. I’ve tried explaining to him that I just don’t feel like myself and nothing changes. He sits there and tells me all the time that he’s tired of me doing nothing but when I ask him for help it’s like I’m talking to a brick wall. He does nothing around the house. He took the trash out three times last week and complained that he shouldn’t have to do that. Like, I used to be a SAHM and even then I had trouble keeping up with the housework and now that I’m working you’d think he’d pick up the slack but he doesn’t. I don’t know what to do anymore and I need some type of help. 😭