Feeling alone and like a bad mom...


I feel so alone on this and like a bad mom so I thought I’d reach out... my daughter is a little over 6 months old and still not sleeping through the night, still wakes up to eat every 4 hours. And before anyone’s asks yes we are sleep training her, yes she eats plenty before bed, yes we have a calm bedtime routine, etc. our Doctor says we are doing everything right and every baby is different (witch I get) my siblings all had kids in the last 2 years as well and all I hear is

“I don’t know why you guys always have such a problem, our baby was sleeping through the night at 3 months old”  everyone makes me feel like I’m doing something wrong and I’m just doing my best! My daughter has had extreme Colic since she was born I would sometimes have to hold her all day long because she would just scream, I’ve tried everything I can think of and I’m just feeling really bad about myself and like I can’t do anything right 😩

I know this is basically just one big run on sentence about nothing but I hope someone will understand me. 😔