When I first started reading things on here (read to the end)

I genuinely thought everyone was crazy

Spending loads of money to take pregnancy tests way too early - 5/6/7DPO

Posting pictures of bloody tissue asking “is it implantation or period?”

Asking “am I pregnant” with a million symptoms that obviously could be period or pregnancy

Constantly posting about not being able to conceive and wanting to give up

Posting negative test after test hoping someone will maybe see a line that isn’t there

Women stressing so hard about getting pregnant that they were upset their husbands/boyfriends/SO’s were telling them they felt like it was a chore or they were feeling pressured and didn’t even want to have sex anymore

I didn’t get it

I was like “what is wrong with these women”

“Why are they all so insane”

And now. I am “these women”

I have tried for over 2 years to conceive. I have had a chemical and a missed miscarriage since January that tore me to pieces. (And 2 miscarriages 5 years prior)

I have posted pictures of negative tests, with just the right lighting, thinking maybe someone will see something that’s not there

I have posted poll after poll asking questions

I have posted my frustrations

I have gotten mad at my husband when he wasn’t in the mood because I was approaching my fertile days

I have been “these women”

I get it

It’s so hard. It’s draining. It’s soul crushing. But I understand now. And I’m sorry for ever thinking anyone was crazy for what they were posting or going through. This is my public apology for judging women I didn’t know.

Because I am you.

I get you.