Have anyone else experienced this?


My last period start date was September 15 and haven’t had any signs of a period since then until October 21 where I noticed spotting around 1 am. I only seen it when I whipped there wasn’t any blood on my cycle pad. It only lasted up to an hour then stopped. I also notice a quick pain (a little different from my normal period pains). So that same morning after I had done got off work at 7am I was spotting again (real thin and light). Few hours later I start throwing up non stop, I experienced dizziness , my body was extremely hot ,stomach pains, couldn’t stand without having the feeling that I would faint, lower back pain and tender stomach. All this lasted from approximately 10am-6pm. Later that night I experienced some more light spotting but a lot darker. 2 day still experiencing light spotting, NO STOMACH cramps like I usually feel when I’m on my cycle. But just lower right back pain and now slit pain in below my stomach on the left. Now starting to feel slit pains in left breast.

The spotting I’m experiencing can be described as light as a paper cut.