I hope we got it this time!


I'm feeling very optimistic this time. What do you think? This is actually the least amount of times that we've done the BD during my fertile week. I really tried to time it out well. We waited until I was close to my peak for the first time. SO is committed and hasn't taken care of things himself, so hopefully that first time had a nice high sperm count. Then the day of my peak, we got a session in on that morning. On ovulation day, we did it that night, so around 36 hours after the peak morning even though on the calendar it's two days in a row. Then just for fun and just in case, we got a session in this morning. This is our fifth cycle trying so I'm hoping we got it this time. I also found out that my grandma most likely has ovarian cancer and I'm freaking out about that😭. She's 82 so if she has it, the outcome probably won't be good😔. She is always bragging about the fact that she has 11 great grandchildren and I really want to give her one more if we are going to lose her soon. That especially is making me extra determined to get pregnant this month. Send me some good vibes, baby dust, and prayers ladies.