I need advice

So I know most women are going to tell me nope, he’s cheating on you. But I know he’s not and he knows I’m not.

So I’m 23 weeks pregnant. I have lost three babies prior to this pregnancy. I had multiple paps done 6 months ago all came back clear of infection or STIs. Found out I had two clotting disorders. Took baby aspirin and lovenox and finally had a successful pregnancy. I have no weird discharge besides the milky white stuff I’ve gotten since becoming pregnant. No itch. No weird smell. No painful sex. Nothing. The other day I was walking and the outside of my labia felt like I got a burn. Almost like I cut myself with razor and some skin product hit it and made it burn. It scared me and I read a lot about bv and yeast and if you have it and don’t treat it it can cause preterm labor. So I immediately made an appointment for a culture. Better to be safe than sorry.

She said I did look a little red around my labia but looking at my cervix and around it she said she saw no sign of infection. She said maybe some yeast but it could have just been regular discharge. She called in monistat for me to take just in case. I didn’t even take it because I’ve had yeast infections and it didn’t feel like that and because she saw no sign of infection I was no longer worried. Fast forward three days. She said I was negative for bv and yeast but I tested positive for the Sti trich. Trich. Sexually transmitted. I know it’s hard to believe but I know my husband has been faithful. We have a wonderful marriage. A beautiful little boy and aside from working his regular 9-5 shift which we snap each other all day long at work and his boss is very close with our family so I’d be the first to know if he didn’t show up at work but aside from him working we are home together the rest of the time. We have the same work schedule and the same shift. When I’m not home for an hour he’s with our son sending me snaps and videos. I would have had to of gotten it on the last 6 months. But there’s no physical way. I asked if there was any other way and she said no. I saw google said rarely it can be from sharing towels or washcloths and I don’t do that with anyone. Should I demand a retest? Could it be a false positive? I have been in tears for a day straight. I’ve read if you have trich with no symptoms not to take the medicine and if you leave trich without treating it could be bad. I’m at a loss as to what to do. I don’t want to harm my baby but I also no there’s no physical way I have this unless it was contracted during an exam or on a toilet seat. My husband and I have been together 10 years. I’ve only been with one person before him and he had a few women before me that weren’t long term relationships so we both got tested before becoming serious. I just need help. Advice. Has anyone gone through this and have you ever gotten a false positive? :(