Stupid question


Please do not laugh but I am so confused as to what’s causing this. So a little back story, I had a miscarriage naturally on my own on September 26th, at 12 weeks and 1 day. My husband and I started to have sex again October 10th, unprotected, and again on the 13th with a condom, we’ve been using protection since we want me to get a few cycles before we try again. Now I did have my hcg levels drawn this past Thursday (October 17) and it was at 35.2. I did take a dollar store pregnant test October 12th that came up pregnant still. Now I took a strip test last night and it came up not pregnant. No second line what so ever. And all of a sudden this morning at 4:30 I woke up feeling so nauseous and threw up a few times since. & my husband jokingly said “maybe you’re pregnant again” and I’m like there is no way in 2 weeks since we’ve started having sex, with my hcg levels being above 25 and symptoms at less than 2 weeks pregnant if that did happen. I didn’t have morning sickness until 10 weeks with my miscarriage. So Could I be pregnant again? He’s got me all worked up and freaked out 🤦🏻‍♀️