Induction started - day3 update


41+1. —- updated below. Now 41+3


12:30pm. Cervix is closed & Doctor inserted cervadil. I’m here for 2 hours and then they will check to see if I have any signs of going into labor. If not they are sending me home.

They say cervadil can stay in for 24 hours. But it does cause most women to go into labour....


2:30pm feeling crampy. Have been sent home with instructions to call at 6:30 and if labour starts with contractions lasting 40 seconds every 5 mins to return to the hospital.


6:30PM. Called L&D. I just feel lightly off and on cramping and pressure. No signs of blood. No water breaking.

They advised if the pain becomes unbearable or I get contractions as mentioned above to come back in. Otherwise I’m home until 12:30pm tomorrow. 😒.


9:30pm. Just cramping but not contraction style and my V is so sore. Like I’ve been on a bike for days. Ugh. I’m getting nervous I won’t go into labour and the induction will be failed


It’s now 6am. From 11pm-1 I had regular contractions with low back and vaginal pain eveey 5 mins for 40sec to 1min. I called L&D and they said to stay home and try to sleep it off or hot shower. It can be false labour with the cervadil insert due to dilation.

The cramping has woken me up through the night basically feels like the WORST period pain you could imagine that never ends.....

I drank some cold water this morning to get baby moving because I hadn’t been focused on him in while and he seems fine.

When my husband wakes up I’ll get him to help me stand in the shower and then we will prep to go back to the hospital around 11am as the cervadil needs to be taken out by 12:30. 🤷🏼‍♀️


So around 8am cramping wore off.

Went to hospital.

Nurse called OB. Removed cervadil. Checked. 0.5cm dilated. High posterior cervix. ( awesome ). I had a meltdown and the whole checking was horrific and Killed.

Sent us for lunch for 2 hours and told us to come back.

Returned at 3pm.

Met with OB. Quick U/S. Determined head still down. Checked my cervix ( yes again ) recommended cervadil again. So. We did that.

So here I am.

DAY 2. 10:10 PM. Cervadil round 2 in.

I feel crampy but not as bad as last night.

Hoping for a miracle at this point.

If I don’t go into labour it’s back tomorrow at 2pm to likely remove and insert #3 as I will be 10 days overdue and they don’t want me going to 42 weeks.

I can’t lie. At this point I’m miserable. I am. I’m really sore. Seeing my son will be magical. But my husband and I have had a tough long week of being optimistic and being let down.


Met with my OB today. He removed the cervadil at 1pm and checked my cervix. 0 progression. not dilating. Still high and posterior. Baby is looking good on monitors but he is concerned as we are approaching 42 weeks with no progress.

Decided to admit us and start on Pitocin. In 4 hours they will check my cervix. Then again at the 6 hour mark. Looking for cervical progression.

At 6 hours an assesment will be made to progress or for C section.

The most he wants me on pitocin is 12 hours before deciding we need a C.

SO all we know is we aren’t leaving the hospital without a baby. Just depends how this is going to go 🤷🏼‍♀️.