9 days late, few symptoms, several neg. tests

Nicole • $.$.$..❤️ Nicole Peterson ❤️..$.$.$

So, today (granted it's 1:05am) my period, which has been like clockwork, is 9 days late. I took a test two and three days ago, both negative. He and have been using the "78% effective" pull out method. This is my 4th potential pregnancy but with a different guy than my other kids, which I know means the pregnancy may not be the same. I've noticed nausea, an increase in appetite, fatigue, bloating, constipation, mild periodic cramping. I don't have insurance so I've yet to go see a doctor regarding this. Idk if I could've ovulated late, delaying the hcg levels to be high enough to detect? I haven't been way over stressed or had major changes that I think would cause a missed period. Idk, input?

EDIT: After posting this I got so sick I vomited. Thought I might add that. In the past I haven't been one to actually vomit with my morning sickness.