39 + 1

I am now 39 weeks and 1 day. Someone please tell me why this last week has to drag by?

I stopped working last week. Working consumed my week. Now I am at home with absolutely nothing to do. House is clean and I can’t clean it anymore! I hate watching tv/movies, so that’s out of the picture.

I tried to see if I could be induced but that isn’t an option right now. My next appointment isn’t until Monday. JESUS I’M GOING CRAZY!! Literally having no signs of labor what so ever. I was checked on Monday to see if I am dilated. Nope. Not a single bit and only 70% effaced.

I know a lot of women would love to be at home relaxing this late in pregnancy but I feel fine and want to be active!

Any ideas on what I could do to keep myself busy??