
I was ovulating October 5th-11th. I had plenty of sex that week PLUS I USED PRE-SEED with my husband. (We are trying to conceive).

I just got taken off birth control in the beginning of October. I took my pregnancy test and came back negative. My period is now two days late.

Any advice ?

What should I do?

Could I be pregnant?

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Posted at
If you got off birth control at the beginning of the month, give yourself the benefit of doubt of when your period was supposedly due. When getting off of birth control you can ovulate very soon, did you take ovulation tests or track your temp to confirm you ovulated?


Posted at
Your body might need a month or two to readjust after coming off bc.


Posted at
Your first cycle can be off from stopping the BC.


Posted at
I got off the depo in July and didn't start tracking for 3 months because in August i bleed for two weeks and then I had a normal period in September and October now so now I'm ttc. Your body needs to adjust after hormonal birth controls. They seriously mess you up


Posted at
How do you know your period is late? Coming off of the pill at the beginning of the month your body hasn’t even regulated yet. Hence why they say wait a cycle or two before trying, because your body needs time to adjust and you won’t know