She is going to be fine update


So my mom got home and told me that my best friend was being rushed to the hospital because she had some kind of head trauma and has a seizure but that's all we knew well I almost had a panic attack because I was so scared, I slowly learned more she was taken by helicopter to children's hospital, once she finally answered me I found out how it happened, she was trying to the thing where you reach between your legs and somebody flips you and she remembered saying 1 2 and then waking up just before she got in the helicopter, she was told she blacked out and had a seizure, once she got to the hospital she told me she was in a neck brace, they did an MRI and x rays along with a neuro exam, they are keeping her for 2 hours for observation but they aren't worried about a brain bleed but she has to keep a neck brace on for 1 to 2 weeks but she should be fine and I am no longer haveing a panic attack

So today her neuro surgeon look at her x ray and saw that one of the vertebra in her neck was side to the side so that called her back to children's hospital and she is getting a cat scan so they have faster results...