Opinions please...tmi picture

My husband and I have been trying for 3 years. I was previously married to someone else that impregnated a coworker and we had tried for 3 1/2 years with no success. Collectively I have been trying for 6+ years..

I am 26 years old. I have been bleeding now for 20 days straight and experienced a massive clot (as big as my 9 1/2 size shoe) on October 15. I took my tampon out and this huge thing fell into the floor. I did not get a picture of that one because I didn’t have my phone with me but I do have this picture that happened 2 days later on October 17. I’m just curious if anyone has experienced anything like this before. I had been wearing pads and tampons prior to yesterday because the bleeding was so bad. I feel so drained and tired.

I went to the Obgyn today and an ultrasound was ordered for November 15. He wants to get my other text results back prior to the ultrasound.

Any advice, opinions, anything really is so welcomed. I want to know if anyone else has experienced this or anything like it.