Contractions or Braxton Hicks or regular pain?

I’m going really stupid butttt with my daughter I was induced and I felt NO contractions not even Braxton Hicks until I was 7cm and then it came all at a ONCE out of nowhere I was crying and felt like my back was breaking in half. I never felt them in my stomach. Even the machine didn’t pick them up. The only reason they knew I was 7cm (they tried telling me I wasn’t in labor because I wasn’t having enough contractions) is because my water broke right after I told them I was in labor and need medicine..

Now I’m pregnant with my second I started having some “cramps” period like cramps in my lower stomach and then my back started hurting very mild like. I started having These cramps hours ago but they are so mild and mixed in with small baby movements I can’t time them. My back however is now a constant dull pain (it was hurting then would stop like I was cramping in my back) and it’s slowly getting worse and them cramps are slowly getting stronger but I still can’t time them right. They have been coming pretty close to each other for hours but like I said I can’t time them and I’m not even sure they are real I have nothing to compare too.

now my stomach don’t tighten or I can’t feel it (which happened with my daughter I couldn’t tell the difference) like I think it might be tight but then I think I’m feeling my baby sticking his butt out or something... my daughter is one and I don’t want to have to wake her up for a false alarm.

Is this Braxton Hicks mixed with back pain? Or does this sound like contractions or like I’m in labor? I just don’t want to get there too late but I don’t want to be sent home either 😭😭😭

I will add that I have been switching positions and drinking water and it doesn’t help nor make it worse. I’m planning on taking a shower to see if it helps.

It seems like my period like cramps are SLOWLY move up my belly the baby is moving so I’m not sure if it’s how he’s laying and moving or if it’s the cramps. 😒

Add: I forgot to mention, when some of these “cramps” happen sometimes it’s “hard” for me to breathe. Like not like when your in pain and can’t breathe but like it takes my breath away idk how to explain that. 😂 like maybe he’s pushing a lung..?