Toddler fever


So my 2 year old came down with a fever Tuesday night, by Wednesday morning he was super unwell, wouldn’t drink/eat and his fever was high, we kept it under control with paracetamol. By Thursday he still had a high fever which was harder to keep down and he still refused to eat and drink so I took him to see his doctor, she advised me that he had a wheeze on his chest and his mouth and throat where ulcerative but didn’t want to prescribe medication as he should fight it off. Yesterday I thought we were over the worst, the fever had come down and he was eating and drinking in small amounts and not laying around like he had been for the previous 2 days. However this morning he’s woken up and won’t eat or drink and his fever has spiked again. Not sure if I should carry on with the calpol or if he should be seen by a doctor again?

Just a bit worried as previously he’s had a chest and double ear infection and perked up a lot quicker than this. Super worried mummy here 😩