TTC baby number 2


So I had my daughter in Aug of 2018 after conceiving with clomid. Hubby and I are back on the TTC train to see if we can do it naturally because we heard sometimes it’s easier the second go around. I was wondering if any of you ladies can give me some advice! Here’s some details- I breastfed until she was a year old and then got my period back a few weeks later. I’ve had 2 cycles since then but they were very long! The last cycle I had was 44 days long. Tho I rarely ovulated, before my daughter I had pretty regular cycles at around 30 days long. I’ve been using OPKs religiously for both cycles and never get a positive. Not even anything close. (I’ve been using the clear blue digital opks) today is cycle day 24. This app says based on the length of my last cycle I should have ovulated yesterday. I know I can take that with a grain of salt 😂 but today I am cramping super bad! Idk if I ovulated and it just didn’t show up on an opk or if I’m starting my period early? I’m not sure. Does anyone have tips for ttc baby number 2 with PCOS?

I’d love to hear y’all’s success stories!