My brother suffers from severe anxiety........

Angels Mommy

So apparently my little brother suffers from severe anxiety. At first the psychiatrist said he suffers from OCD and he went to see another psychiatrist and said he seems to have severe anxiety. Here are his symptoms:

1. He has to touch some sort of object over and over until he mentally able to let go; for example, before he heads out the door he stops and touches the door knob over and over and he would be at the door for about 30 mins.

2. He has trouble sleeping at night and sometimes ends up sleeping until 4 in the morning. He said his mind doesn’t let him rest even though he has tried many natural ways and feels like prescribed pills do not for for him.

3. He will be stuck standing/ sitting for sitting for the longest and no one can talk to him.

4. Sometimes, especially towards my mom, he will need for her to repeat what she said several times. This happens in public places too.

5. He has a specific cup he drinks from.

6. He bites his nails when he is under pressure.

Anyways this are just some things I’ve seen with my eyes, there could be more.

I’m going on here to get any help or advice from someone going through something similar. He is currently seeing a psychiatrist and has seen many but feels like nothing is working