Too emotional and taking it to serious?

I’m currently 28 weeks and 4 days pregnant. This is my 5th pregnancy and have two beautiful kids and my rainbow baby on the way. The miscarriages that I had have been so traumatic. I went into preterm labor at 27 weeks, currently on medicine to stop it. It’s working somewhat but at times my contractions get so bad. Well yesterday they where horrible. Called my ob then my husband grandma to update them. Shes been one of they few to help me with dinners at least twice a week since I’m on complete bed rest. I told her how my contractions came back and I felt like they where getting stronger but I was resting. Instead of telling me it’ll be ok she goes on to say oh well will she die since your only 28 weeks! Do you know how expensive it’s going to be to keep her in the NICU! I mean of course I think about this but I’m trying so hard to be positive. I pray for my baby every day. My heart just dropped and I told her I had to go. Am I over exaggerating over all of this? I don’t want to talk to her anymore if she’s going to be negative? Every time I get pregnant it’s always; “don’t get your hopes up because baby may not make it”. Idk I just needed to vent.