5 years of trying and boom my life changed


Let me start by saying I had no hope for another pregnancy. I spent many nights in tears thinking why me. Blaming myself. Here's the backstory... when I was 15 I met my now husband. Imidiatly we were inseparable. At 17 I got pregnant unexpectedly. I was on birth control at the time. Fast forward to this year... we had been trying to get pregnant for 5 years. I was told it likely wouldn't happen due to PCOS and my weight. I felt like I let my husband down. The month of June we invested in OPK tests. I was testing 3 times a day and we were really pushing to get pregnant. I got a positive OPK and we baby danced that night. We only had sex one time that month (exhaustion, overwhelmed, a lot going on). 2 days before the 4th of July I went into the doctors office for severe headaches. They did blood work which included a pregnancy test. It came back at 4. I got the call I was pregnant. Then 1 day later a call I wasnt because my count wasnt high enough. I was devastated. A few days later another test. It cam back positive but no number. 7 days later another with a count of 211. I'm now 20 w 3 d and baby and I are doing well. Dont give up! I know I did and as soon as I had "given up" it was my time. ❤