How do I know if vitex is working? This is going to be a long post


Hey ladies! So I’ve had pcos since high school, of course it flared up even more after I graduated high school and quit being active and gained weight. I have classic pcos symptoms the weight gain, facial hair (a few hairs on the chin that need plucking every morning), thin hair and irregular cycles. So, I was on the bc and metformin regimen. I’ve constantly gone back and forth between 170 and 200 lbs and currently im somewhere around 196 maybe. Anyway! Hubby and I decided to TTC and my OBGYN put me on Femara/letrozole and I did that for two months and nothing. Let me just add that I usually don’t start my cycles on my own and I need the help of provera to start them. So I am currently in my last semester of nursing school and hubby and I decided to take a break from TTC because I keep having to miss class for my lab and doctors appointments. I graduate in December so we decided to started up again in December when I’m done with school.

And so we finished cycle month 2 with no luck. Y’all know the struggle of TTC with all your hormonal problems pcos brings, so I was frustrated but whatever I need to give my focus to school so I can finish so then I could give my focus to starting our family. Well then I got my period, like on my own , without me taking the provera, it was super heavy and lasted 5 days. So I was like well

Okay then?💁🏻‍♀️

Kind of felt victorious that I started on my own without meds so there’s that. But then I remembered that because of my pcos I can have my periods but still not ovulate. So I started taking vitex 650mg and it’s helped minimize my menstrual pain and ovulating pain too and reduced my acne. But I have been checking my Lh and it hasn’t peaked and I haven’t got any numbers higher than a .58 reading on my Lh strips. So I don’t think I’m going to ovulate on my own either even though I started my period on my own. Which depresses me cuz I’m like when will it be my turn!!!! Buying all my “supplies” is exhausting and getting expensive. I’m just frustrated and need prayers and baby dust!

So my question is for those of you who have tried vitex or swear by it, how do you know it’s working?