Worst News of our life. 20 Week ultrasound


We have a boy and that’s the only positive thing about our 1st 20 week scan. So the situation we are dealing with is quite different. We did find out that he has a club foot. As of right now the thing they are worried about the most is his brain. It's not symmetrical. They think he may have a bleed or a mass that has caused it not to form correctly. They can't tell right now if his cerebrum has the middle piece that connects the two sides. They think his stomach is too small but it may just be that they didn't get good ultrasounds of it. There is some fluid that is in his chest cavity around his lungs but not in the pocket his heart is. Overall they are concerned about the brain mainly. This will be a long journey. They don’t know the cause or the long term effect right now.

My boyfriend and I really don’t know how to think. We have a daughter together and he has another daughter from a previous relationship. Both of them healthy during pregnancy and now. This news struck us hard. No one is prepared for this to happen.